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NOTE: Maps are 'Bare-Metal'

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 21:27
by Tiger
NOTE: Developmental Maps; downloadable to the public for: reviewing and critiquing.

If you have already noticed, there's only two textures being used in all of the maps and there no specialized functionality like Jumping Pads and Teleporters -- or in short, these maps are not yet remotely playable. The reason for this is mainly because the main focus is adding as many maps to meet the quota {or: Controlled: Quantity over Quality}, but once the quota is meet, I'll then start bringing some life into the maps. See you around a few more years! (I don't think I am over exaggerating when I say 'years'....)

  • Quota [subject to change]: - - -
  • Quota Updated Date: 23.Mai.2014
  • Maps Approx. Minimum Limit: 10