doombuilder 2 texture recources from another wad

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doombuilder 2 texture recources from another wad

Post by doomexpert »

Hi, long time ago.

Now im starting to build again, i did 4 years nothing but now im humble to build again.

i had a question about using texture recources from another wad file, does that mean that the texture is copied to your pwad? i've tested to launch the wad file without the resources wad with total cmd, (i dont need launchers) you can write everything in a bat file... but anyway, is that the easiest way to copy a texture from another wad? casue basicly i use the resources, so when i make a clear directory with doom2.wad and my pwad playing under zdoom(gzdoom)... without using the recources wad, where those textures is from... where does it saves? :?: into my pwad or my original doom2.wad?

and what program is the easiest way to put textures into your pwad, because i want to have everything together, i knew 4 years back i had worked with wintex only, but what is the easiest program also to edit the doom2.wad to simple replace items like another health pack or a big tree.

help me plz

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Re: doombuilder 2 texture recources from another wad

Post by NeoHippo »

Loading your pwad into an editor, such as GZDoom Builder or Doombuilder2, with another pwad as resource simply means that the editor can make the texture available for you to use in your pwad. And no, that texture is not automatically copied to your pwad.

Bringing new textures from a resource pwad into your pwad is done with a lump editor such as Slade3. Loading both, your pwad and the resource pwad into Slade3, the copy process then becomes a simple copy/paste operation.

Note: Never edit the DOOM2.WAD IWAD.
Or, if you do, make sure you had stored away several backup copies safely.
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