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Re: [FOSS] Bootless Star

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 5:38
by Tiger
I have recently revived this topic a bit, the links should be working as expected. In addition, for those interested, I spent a greater part of the day writing documentation for this project.

Keep in mind, that this project is no longer in the evolution phases anymore.


Re: [FOSS] Bootless Star

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 5:15
by Tiger
Just thought to let everyone know that as of today - this software is no longer being supported1.

So what happens here?
  • For those that still utilize the Doom Builder 2 compiler, Doom Builder 64, and the GZDoom Builder, this software will still work just perfectly fine - at least at the time of which I am writing this. Though, the end-user might have to perform some minor tweaks in the settings to bypass version control functionality (SVN) - or simply turn it off, the compiler's should still perform just fine.
  • For those that are still living in alternative 1985 and using the DeLorean (such as myself!), this program will still work just fine - even on the Windows 10 platform. However, the DeLorean is not quite dead. There does exist plans to modernize the DeLorean into C# using the .NET 4.5 foundation. Though, unfortunately, a timeline does not presently exist when the development will be active or an estimated time of completion.
For those that want to get Knee Deep in Batch:
  • One of the biggest plans I had - atleast right before the Bootless Star v.1.5 - was to shift into libraries that can be accessible outside of the core foundation and completely usable within the project scripts (omitting external scripts). The main reason why I never accomplished this myself was due to time, effort, and lack of motivation - the program did want I wanted and I was not in the mood to dismantle the program again for the fourth time. However, if anyone wants to give this a try - feel free! The core is as rock solid as I can get it - atleast there's no obvious issues, thus upgrading its internal instructions shouldn't be that trivial other than modifying its logic.

Re: [FOSS] Bootless Star

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2024 6:00
by Tiger
After a few years of not backing up my Home dir., I decided to fire up DeLorean using Bootless Star. But I stumbled onto an issue where the logging functionality was not properly working, more specifically, it turns out I forgot to add 'quotes' around a few redirect-output paths. I was able to quickly fix this issue, and I will also publish a minor update to the Bootless Star program as well. May have this update out tomorrow? depends on how the day goes; stay tuned!

P.S. I kinda miss the phpBB forums, social media really had changed everything - better and for worse.

Re: [FOSS] Bootless Star

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2024 4:55
by Tiger
I had just published a new Core version 1.5.5, plugins had also been updated as well.

Despite the development had ceased, I still depend on the DeLorean backup solution. Though, I noticed some issues with the DeLorean for a few years now - but could not provide any time to correct the problems. I also ran my system with no backup builds available, except for the basic Windows File History. While this temporary workaround works, I cannot assure that the files will be available if the system were to ultimately crash. So, I finally devoted a few hours to push out a few fixes, but no features were added. I cannot guarantee that I will continue to provide any additional surprise fixes in the future, but I hope this helps to extend the life of this program for a few more years to come. Enjoy!

Version 1.5.5 [Commit 70183ec]
26 March. 2024

* Use quotation on output redirections for STDOUTs
Without the quotations, if a file path contains any spaces - then the output would not be correct, yet the left overs would be considered an additional arguments that would be invalid. This would cause the program to crash as a result.
* When initializing %SourcePath% and %Output%, encapsulate it with quotations.
This will assure that any spaces introduced into the string will be properly part of the assignment.
* Use quotations on %Output% when inspecting if the assigned path exists.
Without this, the IF extCMD would see the string with spaces (or any special characters) as a command\instruction when the value is seen as a true condition.
* When using the DEL extCMD, %Output% needs to be quoted
We do NOT need a Bumblebee moment.... oh dear, what have I done :'(.... ... issues/123
* Added Tracing to the ignore list in the DeLorean Project Module.
I could be grossly wrong, but it seems that %UserProfile%\Tracing\ is intended to hold data for Win10 Skype instance? The file is locked by the application, which will cause the backup operation to fail.
* Applied a few delimiters to the list
Windows default time\date schemes can contain spaces within the date format, and time contains a comma for milliseconds. Previously, this could break the %core.Time% and %core.Date% expectations.
* Revised the %core.Date% to use the English region time and date formatting
When I was developing this program, I used the German Time and Date region formatting. With using the German formatting, the %DATE% or 'DATE /T' would provide this formatting: DD.MM.YY. Yet, the English formatting is: DDD MM/DD/YYYY. Because of this inconsistency, and no real easy way to quickly fix this, the regional formatting will have to be set as 'English'. With that, the %core.Date% will contain: Day, Month, and Year - but still following the user's English regional settings.
* Upped the version for Bootless Star Core, GZDB, DB64, DB2, and DeLorean.
Bootless Star Core Ver: 1.5.5
GZDoom Builder Ver: 1.6.4
Doom Builder 64 Ver: 1.5.4
Doom Builder 2 Ver: 1.5.4
DeLorean Ver: 5.3

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