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Site renamed

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 18:01
by Rachael
As previously stated here, the site has undergone a name update. Why was it done? Because many projects no longer use SVN as their distributed version control anymore, and it just didn't make sense to keep the name "SVN builds," so a decision was made to rename the site (At the time it was called "rebranding" but it's basically the same thing). After a lot of decision and consideration, plus many rejected ideas, Enjay had the excellent idea to name the site "Dev Builds" - and so it is done.

You will also notice that the domain has changed when you access this site. The site will return a 301 code when you attempt to access the old SVN domain; some browsers will automatically update your bookmarks accordingly; some will not. The old SVN bookmark compatibility will be maintained as long as possible.

Enjoy the new(?) site! :D