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ECWolf - Useful Commandline Parameters

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2022 15:04
by Master O
ECWolf Useful Commandline Parameters:

--data wl6 [Loads Wolfenstein 3D]
--data sod [Loads Spear of Destiny]
--data sd2 [Loads Spear of Destiny: Return to Danger]
--data sd3 [Loads Spear of Destiny: Ultimate Challenge]
--data n3d [Loads Super 3-D Noah's Ark] [Note: This game works best in ECWolf, not LZWolf]
--nowait [Skips intro screens in Wolf 3D, Spear of Destiny and SOD's 2 mission packs]
--tedlevel mapxx [xx stands for map number, i.e. map01, map02, map03, etc]

Use any one of the above --data parameters combined with --tedlevel in order to start in a specific game on a specific level. You can also further combine any one of the game difficulty parameters listed below with --data and --tedlevel as well.

Special Note for Linux Users: Linux and all its derivatives are case-sensitive, so you must type the filenames and file extensions exactly as they appear in Linux, or else the game will not run. For example: If you are using the --data commandline switch, you would type WL6, SOD, SD2, SD3, or N3D all in caps.

ECWolf Commandline Parameters for Setting Game Difficulty:


All commandline parameters listed above also work in LZWolf.

How to Create a Shortcut to a File or Folder

How to Create Shortcuts with Parameters in Windows 10

Create a shortcut to the ECWolf or LZWolf executable and use any of the above commandline parameters in the shortcut as you see fit.