by mattbratt11 » Mon Nov 13, 2023 5:52
Are you talking about multi-mod support with Samsarahold Rejuvenation and Samsara Reincarnated 2.0?
If so, that would be great.
I hope Stronghold opens the add-on repository for compatibility patches and additions to the main game with additional missions and maps, Monster and Weapon Randomizers, and special powerups.
My main request is Stronghold x Complex Doom Nexus.
Are you talking about multi-mod support with Samsarahold Rejuvenation and Samsara Reincarnated 2.0?
If so, that would be great.
I hope Stronghold opens the add-on repository for compatibility patches and additions to the main game with additional missions and maps, Monster and Weapon Randomizers, and special powerups.
My main request is Stronghold x Complex Doom Nexus.