Introducing the DRD Team IRC Network!

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Introducing the DRD Team IRC Network!

Post by Rachael »

The DRD Team is proud to announce our newest offering to the Doom community - the DRD Team IRC Network!

This network is created pretty much for discussing anything Doom-related, or even just to make friends with some Doom fans.

To connect, simply type /server in your favorite IRC client, or use this link here: irc://

Our main channel is #drdteam

If you have trouble, the network services have extensive help screens to aid you in getting everything figured out, and failing that, you may ask myself or Morpheus if you need to learn how to do something. :)

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Re: Introducing the DRD Team IRC Network!

Post by Rachael »

A few people on the Skulltag side wanted to know what the channel/user modes do, so without further ado...

Channel modes:

Standard modes:
+n = No external messages, you must be in channel to talk
+t = Only Ops set topic
+i = Invite only
+m = Channel is moderated, you must have +v to talk
+k = Channel key, blocks other users who do not know the channel key.
+l = Channel limit, when it reaches this many users no one else is allowed to join. Some bots set this dynamically to prevent join floods.
+p = Private channel - will not show up on /list. (However, any other operation such as /who, /names, or /mode will work)
+s = Secret channel - Completely hides the channel unless you join it.

+o <user> = Gives a person operator access to the channel. Not recommended unless you explicitly trust them, use half-ops instead.
+h <user> = Gives a person half-operator access to the channel. Can do everything an op can do, except kick other half-ops or ops, or even set such modes. (Can, however, set any other mode, including voice)
+v <user> = Gives a person voice in the channel. If a channel is +m, this is required in order for them to communicate.

+b <mask> = Banning - works as a targeted +m when used without /kick, and also prevents the specified user mask from joining the channel at all if they leave. If you +b a user in a channel without kicking them, it will also block any /nick requests, and when they part or quit the channel their reason will not show.

ircd-specific modes: (These may change, though hopefully not anytime soon)
+D = Delayed join (Auditorium) - hides non-opers non-voices who join. This is useful when having a public meeting in a moderated channel but you don't want other users to make their presence known. To "fix" after removing the mode, refer here.
+d = Warns you that you still have invisible users after removing +D. Not settable. See +D how to remove.
+c = No colors - if someone uses mIRC color codes, their message will be stripped of them before it's sent.
+C = No CTCP - Disallows sending CTCP's to the channel (other than ACTION, aka /me).
+N = No /notices - Disallows sending /notices to the channel.
+u = No part/quit reasons - useful in moderated channels if people start joining and leaving demanding voice.
+r = Block anyone not authed with NickServ from joining the channel.

User Modes

Standard modes (common to all nets)
+d = Deaf, does not receive messages sent in channel. Not very useful except for bots.
+s = Server notices - allows you to see net-splits and stuff. In our current setup, this is disabled for normal users.
+w = Receive wallops. In our current setup, users with this mode cannot see anything except /wallusers.
+o = Network IRC Op. This allows the user certain network-wide privileges, such as /kill (disconnecting) other users, /squit (disconnecting) other servers, /connect (to reconnect servers to other servers), the ability to use OpServ, and the ability to issue local (or sometimes global) G-Lines (which prevent a user from connecting to the network).
+O = Local IRC Op. Can usually do everything a net IRC op can do, except they can only affect the server they're on. So /kills will not go past the local level, same with /gline, and they can only /connect or /squit other servers locally.

ircd-specific modes: (These may change, though hopefully not anytime soon)
+g = Debug notices (aka "Hacks") - when services or a service bot or an IRC operator sets modes without privileges in a channel, this generates a *** HACK(4) notice if the mode was successful, or *** HACK(2) if the mode was blocked. Not settable by normal users.
+k = This is a special mode set by service bots, but in our ircd, can be set by irc ops. If fixing a channel take-over, this is a very useful umode to set. It blocks any non-service user from kicking or deopping you in any channel, and other IRC ops also cannot /kill you. Also hides the channel list in /whois.
+r <account name> (only settable by services) = Registers you as <account name> - this is shown on your /whois, and also allows services to recognize you even after a netsplit.
+h <host> <password> = Settable by non-IRC ops - if there is a virtual host login available (S-line), allows you to use it, and changes your effective hostname on /whois.
+h <ident@host>, or <host> = Settable by IRC ops, allows freeform changing of their own hostname on whois.
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Re: Introducing the DRD Team IRC Network!

Post by mido_13 »

Eruanna wrote:A few people on the Skulltag side wanted to know what the channel/user modes do, so without further ado...

great effort

[mod edit to reduce quote spam - Enjay ]
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