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Post by Alter »

Download link:
Author: Ty Halderman (I'm sure you people know that he's idgames manager >>)

Graphics 6/10
This level isn't much detailed as we can except nowadays but it's not most important thing in the map... some places were definitely interesting though most of them seemed under-detailed compared to suspended in dusk which pushes doom 2 vanilla to the limits and keeping great design...

Gameplay 6/10
The level was challenging a bit... and traps seemed a bit hard but c'mon, they have no chance if you jump out with plasma rifle or SSG those weapons make the map way too EASY, if you find rocket launcher it's heck EVEN EASIER...

Sound(N/A)/Music 7/10
The music was pretty good, though sometimes after 15-20 minutes i'm like BLEH at that music

Overall rating 6.5/10


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