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ZDL 3.0 Released!

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 12:28
by BioHazard
You wanted, you waited. now you can HAVE IT!

ZDL 3 hes been released for all to enjoy!!

Go check it out!

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 17:50
by Shinjanji
Lovin' it! :cheers:

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 20:51
by Psycho Siggi
This is awesome!

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 21:49
by Psycho Siggi
Your "warp" is deceptive, because its not '-warp', but '+map'.
Although this means nothing for ZDoom based ports, it doesn't work for PRBoom :(

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 21:59
by Graf Zahl
Remember, this is a launcher mostly intended for ZDoom. With +map you can start any map, not just the standard ones.

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 22:53
by BioHazard
If I used -warp, I would have to calculate valuse based on known IWADS, removing the "custom" bit. Use the extra args box.

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 23:58
by Enjay
Nice! Added functionality yet keeping a very clean, simple look and staying very easy to use.

[edit]Nyyyaaaah! I knew it wasn't just me being a doofus. The number of times I've meant to quit ZDL3 and ended up starting a game - then I noticed, between 1.5 and 3, you've switched the launch and exit buttons round. :trippy: [/edit]

[edit2]I'm really missing the clear button for the PWAD list. When wanting to clear a bunch of wads from the load list, it was so much easier with a single button push.[/edit2]

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 1:48
by Shinjanji
click the ZDL button, go to "Action", then to "Clear PWAD list"

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 1:49
by Enjay
Aha! there it is. Thanks. Not as convenient as a single click though. :P

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 11:16
by Graf Zahl
Do you intend to release the source code for this thing?`

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 11:22
by BioHazard
Yep. I just want to make sure I get the bugs sorted out before I make an official source release. It won't be long though.

BTW Graf, what about this save list thing you want so bad? Like the one in ZDL 1.5?
I was thinking you could set a directory in the config dialog for a place to look for .ZDL files and populate a list with those. Would that suffice?

An to the rest of you: I would work a lot faster if someone donated a bit... ;)

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 11:58
by Graf Zahl
Sure. All I'd like to see is a window where the configs are listed on startup. Just that they are ready to be double-clicked. ;) I can't say much about 1.5 because I never used that version.

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 9:13
by BioHazard
I take the recent silence as a sign that there are no more bugs?

About Graf's save list: Is there any reason you can't just use explorer as your save list? That's why I made .zdl files work off the ZDL command-line...

Also: Has anyone found the .zdl-launches-like-batch-file feature to be handy? I intended it for developers to include with thier wads to automatically run ZDoom with special options.

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 18:23
by Hobbs
See my thread for some buggishness. After using it for about 2 weeks I can tell you flat out it isnt ironed smooth of bugs.

As for +map vs. -warp: I have an idea about that, but I would rather not share it here (IRC plz)

As for .zdl files: They're, well, hmm. I personally can't find a use for them because I dont really have 'standard configurations' for ZDL, however I can see their use and certainly dont think they need to be removed.

ZDL is still the best launcher out there. :thumb: