Out with the old, in with the new

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Out with the old, in with the new

Post by Rachael »

In preparation for the eventual next major upgrade of phpBB, the default board style has been updated to a tableless style. Existing users are not affected by this change, so most of you will not notice this change until you log out.

While I would like to credit the authors of the previous DRD Team styles, the fact is that phpBB is moving to a new presentation format and subsilver2 formats are no longer being considered after phpBB3.0.x has run its course. So eventually everything must be ported to the new prosilver based system anyway.

Luckily, though, most style authors will find prosilver-based styles much easier to work with, as content presentation is controlled primarily using images and stylesheets, rather than with the templates themselves. This allows for greater flexibility overall.

So if anyone wants to submit any prosilver-based styles, now's your chance. :)

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